Thursday, April 21, 2011

A Life Long Impression

As all my friends and best friends talk about tassels, tickets, invitations and black robes, all I can think about is how I won’t be graduating with them. I don’t consider myself unlucky though, because I am lucky to have met them. I can’t sit with them or turn my tassel from one side to the other… no big deal. Because even though I can’t spend those three hours with them, I get to spend my life with them. 
As happy as I am that my close friends will be closing one chapter of their life, and starting a brand new and shinier one, I’m saddened. As they count down the days until their freedom from essays, assignments and boring lectures, I am remembered of the few weeks, few days left of all of us being together.

The tears, the loves, the memories will all be cherished. But most of all, I will cherish the friendships. Some friends leave an impression on us that will stay with us forever. My friends have left footprints on my heart.

Congratulations to Souvonik Adhya, Zarna Doshi, Jaskaran Nat & Richa Patel. Good luck in the real world! 

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