Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Joy of Giving

Remember those childhood days when you were gifted a box of chocolate by a dear family friend and your mother asked you to share it with everyone at home? Although you may have done so reluctantly, it must have surely taught you the importance of sharing. From sharing our toys with friends in the neighborhood to lending lecture notes to pals in college, we’ve been familiar with the practice of sharing. But somehow as we become adults, the concept of giving and sharing seems to get increasingly alien.

Just yesterday, I gave my precious bunny to a family, making a little girl’s dream come true! Although, it was painful, the act was rewarding. I cried a lot. I cried on the way to drop of the bunny. I cried when I held her for the last time. I cried when I shifted the supplies into the new owner’s car. But not until I saw the look on the 8-year-old’s face did I smile.

Dominique didn’t know she was getting a bunny. When her mom asked Dominique to come around to my car, she screamed of joy. She jumped on her mom and climbed her way up to wrap her arms around her mom while singing, “thank you, thank you, thank you.” At this moment, I knew I had made the right decision. I loved knowing that I made a little girl happy by making a little sacrifice myself.

To Baby---
I miss you. You were a fantastic pet and a fantastic friend. I have little tokens of your love still lying around my room—the half eaten up remote control, your favorite blanket and your enormous appetite for Special K cereal. You were always reliable, full of love, true in your affection, predictable in your actions, grateful and loyal. I will miss your binkies. I will always love you. I hope you have a wonderful time with your new family. I will always be thinking of you.

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