Vitamin C said it perfectly in her song, Graduation.
"As we go on we remember, all the times we had together. And as our lives change from whatever, we will still be friends forever."
Time flies by fast, especially when you're having fun. I can't believe I completed my junior year just today with my last brutal exam. Better yet, I can't believe some of my best friends completed their senior year and will be leaving me soon!
Once senior year rolls around, graduation is the main event. It's not like high school where there are various distractions like the infamous senior week or glamourous prom. It's hard to think about anything, but graduation--the cap and gown and making the most of the time left as an undergraduate. As the big day, which is only a couple of days away, gets closer and closer, I want to take the time to tell my close friends who are graduating that I love them and that I will miss them!
Fatima Chaudhri: I have known you since we were babies wearing diapers. Though, we didn't have the choice when it came to being friends, since our parents--actually grandfathers were friends, we did have the choice when it came to being sisters. I love you and wish you all the best after college. You are one of the smartest people I know, and I have no doubt that you will do wonderful and big things in the world! I know you are sad about the fact that you are graduating, but as one chapter of your life closes, kick-start a new one! Always remember, "you are my person" and that I love you!
Mac Mace: You came into my life only three years ago as my best friend's boyfriend. But now, you are one of my best friend. More importantly, you are one that has touched my life in a very positive way. Ever since I have known you, you always strive for the best and have fun doing it! You have inspired me in more ways than you will ever know. You have taught me to never give up and to always push myself with whatever challenges come my way. Thank you! I hope you continue to inspire others like you have inspired me the past couple of years. Best of Luck!
Jijo George: In our lifetime, we meet many types of people. Never did I imagine I would meet someone that gets me so well and can make me laugh when I don't even feel like smiling! Over the past semester, you have been there for me and helped me with my stupid problems. I hope I can do the same for you one day! Thanks for being such a great friend!
Vaani Malhotra: I don't know where to begin. I've known you for only a year but it literally feels like a lifetime. It all started with Phi Gamma Nu. I can't even imagine not knowing you. It was definitely fate, or Alex, who brought us together! Either way, I am so happy I met you and that we became such good friends! I admire you for always seeming to have it together, even when you don't. Thanks for being a great friend! Love ya!
Congratulations to the Class of 2010!